Win a Coopers time machine

COOPERS - 2015 VINTAGE ALE (SIX PACK)Coopers and Australian Brews News are giving you the chance to win a vertical six pack of Coopers Vintage.

There are three Coopers ‘time machines’ available to win, each containing:

  • 2 x Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale 2008
  • 2 x Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale 2012
  • 2 x Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale 2015

The prize presents a unique opportunity to see how this iconic brew evolves over time, starting with the now extremely rare 2008, which Coopers’ Simon Fahey recently named as his favourite.

To win, email and tell us in 50 words or less what was the most memorable year of your life and why.

The three best entries as judged by Australian Brews News will win the prize.

Entries close at 5pm AEST, this Friday July 10.

Read more:
Coopers brewers name favourite vintages
Coopers Vintage 2015 to be scarcest in years

Coopers celebrates 15 years of Vintage

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