Maximize Your Brewery’s Financial Strategy With Beer30 - Now 25% Off

With the EOFY / SOFY upon us, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and begin planning for a successful financial year. This means taking into account the price of raw materials that have skyrocketed recently. For brewers to continue to survive in today’s economy, they’ll need an in-depth analysis of financials, inventory, cost of goods, raw materials, and complicated demand projections. 

Fortunately, Beer30 brewery management software helps eliminate waste, reducing brewing costs and streamlining processes so that you can get back to doing what you love: making awesome beer.

The 5th Ingredient is so confident in Beer30 software, they’re offering a free ROI consultation where they’ll help you calculate your potential saving with the software. 

Plus, now through the end of June 2023, Beer30 is offering new customers 25% off for the first 3 months of use. 

Let’s dive into some of the ways Beer30 can help navigate your financial planning like a pro. 

Financial Planning and Inventory Management:

Planning for the future means making sure your finances and inventory are getting organized in a way that will make things easy to analyze when you look back at EOFY next year. Many breweries compile expenses and keep track of their inventory through spreadsheets or google sheets. While this works, the process is time-consuming, tedious, and extremely prone to errors. Calculating revenue, expenses, and inventory becomes a messy task when things are scattered across multiple spreadsheets – something that can be dangerous for calculating your bottom line.

Beer30 will help you get your finances and your inventory organized in the year to come. The software integrates directly with Quickbooks Online and Xero so that all of your financial data will be transferred directly to your accounting software. It also helps you keep track of brewing ingredients, packaging materials, work-in-process products, and tank inventory in real-time. With Beer30, you’ll have crystal-clear visibility of your inventory and be able to generate accurate end-of-year reports effortlessly. 

Beer30 eliminates the frustration and mistakes that come with entering data manually and reduces the risk of duplicating data. The powerful integration of software will allow you to spend more time brewing better beer instead of meticulous data entry.

Material Resource Planning (MRP) for Efficiency:

With your finances in order and your inventory and stocktake completed, now it’s time to start planning. This means calculating the inventory you’ll need and how much you’ll need to order. For many brewers, this means looking over the inventory and raw materials and then making an educated guess on how much to order based on the beer recipes you want to run. 

Material Resource Planning (MRP) takes the guesswork out of inventory and raw materials ordering.

MRP works by taking a brewery’s current inventory, all planned purchase orders, and all planned production, then based on the recipes for planned production, it automatically calculates future inventory for all raw materials and packaging items. From there, it automatically creates suggested purchase orders based on item lead times.

MRP is crucial because it prevents running out of raw materials or packaging supplies, avoiding income loss and potential damage to brand reputation. Improper planning can lead to increased shipping costs and inconsistencies in brews, affecting product quality and customer trust. 

Beer30’s MRP feature offers seamless integration, accurately tracking inventory and providing suggestive ordering, recipe tracking, and cellar activity inclusion. By streamlining material resource planning, Beer30 helps breweries improve efficiency and avoid costly mistakes.


Demand Planning

Hand in hand with Material Resource Planning is Demand Planning. Demand planning is a crucial next step when figuring out your brewery’s financial future. Fortunately for Beer30 users, the Demand Planning module revolutionizes the coordination between Sales, Purchasing, and Production. This module brings improved visibility into materials, production timelines, and sales forecasts, enabling optimized production planning. 

This automated coordination helps to streamline operations with a “Just In Time” or JIT approach. This helps to ensure there is enough stock to produce only what you need when you need it. The goal is to achieve high-volume production with minimal inventory on hand and eliminate waste – saving you money on both materials and labor.

The module’s sales forecasting capabilities help answer crucial questions about sales volume, packaging requirements, and product demand. Additionally, the Demand Planning module aids breweries in effective inventory management by analyzing sales trends and production timelines, thereby reducing waste and minimizing stockouts.

New Customers Can Try Beer30 25% Off for the First 3 Months

Planning for the start of the financial year is not only easier with Beer30 but can also boost your ROI and save you valuable time and money in the long run. 

To see how much you can save, book a free ROI consultation with Beer30 and The 5th Ingredient team, where they’ll help you calculate your potential savings with the software, or book a demo to schedule a time to find out more about Beer30.

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