Kaiju adds Krush! tropical pale ale

Kaiju Krush

Kaiju Krush

Kaiju Krush!, the Melbourne brewer’s first ever beer under five per cent ABV, is out now in cans.

Kaiju has made its name on higher alcohol, assertively hopped beers, and the 5.8 per cent ABV Robohop was up until now the closest thing in its range to a gateway beer.

Callum Reeves told Australian Brews News that he and brother Nat wanted to add something more approachable to the range, although there was no financial imperative to do so.

“We don’t desperately need to be moving more volume, we sell out of what we already have in the range,” he said.

“We just wanted to have a beer that you could give to the inlaws and they’ll be happy and they’ll want to have a couple,” laughed Reeves.

“When we came out with Robohop a few years ago, we thought it was pretty good that we got a beer under six per cent, but this is at a different level.

“The bitterness is a lot lower. Nat’s never really made the five per cent beers before, so it was a challenge for him to get the balance right at lower alcohol, but he’s just done it so well.

“It’s come out really beautifully drinkable – we’ve been enjoying a few over the past couple of days,” said Reeves.

Weighing in at 4.7 per cent ABV, Kaiju! Krush was canned by mobile operator East Coast Canning on its recent visit to Melbourne. It is also available in draught format.

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