Join Brews News Live during GBW

Good Beer Week is almost upon us and Brews News isagain tackling some of the big topics of the beer world – and we are giving away tickets to Brews News readers.

This year Radio Brews News is hosting three more panels and are looking at the sustainability of the craft beer movement, with discussions covering the Skills Crisis, Sustainability in Brewing and The Future of Craft.

Panelists include Ken Grossman, Peta Fielding and Richard Adamson

We have an amazing line up of guests including Ken Grossman, CEO Sierra Nevada, Peta Fielding Chair CBIA, Flyn Van Ewjik, Head of Environment at Qantas, and Rob Greenaway Secretary of the IBD Asia Pacific.

The three panels will look at the sustainability of craft beer, covering topics including the future of craft, skills development in the industry, survival in the face of consolidation and takeovers.

For $10 you will get three great conversations, a great chance to meet and have an informal beer with some of the most interesting beer people in town for the event. And because any good topic is best discussed over a beer, we will havebeers from Goose Island and Sierra Nevada on tap and included in your ticket price.

For the first five readers to email we have double passes to give away.

Book Now.


Cryer Malt Trade Hub
Upstairs at Beer DeLuxe Corner Swanston Street & Flinders Street, Melbourne


11am – 3pm Wednesday 17th May2017.

11am – 12noon: Skills
Commercial brewing skills are in short supply. Breweries are opening on a weekly basis and while the transition from home brewing to brewing in a garage has been a kickstarter of the craft beer movement, increasing the level of brewing skills has been identified as a critical driver of the growth of craft beer. How do we grow the skills in the industry and what is industry doing to help?

  • Rob Greenaway, Secretary of the IBD Asia Pacific Section
  • Richard Crowe, Head of Production, Stone & Wood Brewing Co
  • Richard Adamson, Trainer, Sydney TAFE
  • Chris McNamara CBIA

12.30pm – 1.30pm: Sustainability.
The rise of ‘craft’ beer has always carried with it a set of values that extend beyond what is contained in the bottle. What is sustainability in craft brewing, why is it important and how do we achieve it?

  • Ken Grossman, CEO of Sierra Nevada
  • Flyn Van Ewjik, Head of Environment at Qantas
  • Kiera Murphy, Sustainability Manager, 4 Pines Brewery
  • James Grugeon, The Good Beer Co.
  • Russell Stubbs, Sustainability Officer, Starward Whisky
  • James Perrin, Packaging & Sustainability Manager, Stone & Wood

2.00pm – 3.00pm: The Future of Craft
Australia has more registered breweries now than ever before. In 2016 the Australian industry saw a brewery a week open. Overseas we are seeing consolidations as large breweries buy smaller ones.There are signs that capacity growth is outstripping demand in some sectors. Is the beerpocalypse coming? What is the future for craft – or independent – brewing?

  • Ken Grossman, CEO of Sierra Nevada
  • Luke Nicholas, Epic Brewing
  • Peta Fielding – Chair, CBIA
  • James Smith – Founder, The Crafty Pint

Book Now.

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