Beer glasses – good homes wanted

In the interests of covering the widest possible range of topics relevant to the beer community here at Brews News we have found jobs for brewers and sales reps and sought equipment and bits and pieces and even advertised the odd beer truck.

I received a call from an old mate with a problem he hopes someone out there can solve. Together we ran a pretty decent restaurant for about 8 years and in that time we accumulated a fairly impressive collection of branded beer glasses. After selling the business and moving on, he’s decided to seek fame and fortune in Canada. As anyone who has tried to move cargo overseas will know, it’s expensive.

Some of the glasses available. (Beer sold separately)

Some of the glasses available. (Beer sold separately)

So I’m hoping there is a Brews News reader who can offer a good home to around 550 glasses. Some are feature pieces such as Kwak and Unibroue, Weihenstephan and Erdinger special releases while others are sets of 6, 8 or 12 regular glasses. They range in volume from 330ml to 500ml and all are in great nick and are branded originals.

So perhaps a venue can house the lot as either a display or as a giveaway offer to their guests or individuals might like to add a few special pieces to their personal collection. If anyone can help take some or all of this beautiful collection please contact Pete Mitcham at

As the late-night ad goes, “No reasonable offer refused and everything MUST GO!!”

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